Golf Course Construction Sustainable Solutions2018-09-25T07:59:38+00:00

Looking for Sustainable Golf Course Construction Solutions?

On Course Solutions has Sustainable, cost effective and environmentally friendly golf course construction solutions.

We specialize in sustainable golf course construction in the areas of Hydro Seeding & Bunker stabilization and maintenance which is in accordance with USPGA requirements…. while simultaneously reducing costs, future maintenance, water usage AND the environmental footprint of a golf course.

Hydro seeding

Hydro Seeding

Want Effective Hydro Seeding with one application!


Hydrotac – the future of golf course construction Hydro Seeding!

golf course construction with Hydrotac for effective hydro seeding

Golf Bunker Stabilization

Bunker Stabilization

Want the Perfect Bunker? Bunker Stabilization with Bunkertac


Bunkertac is a special purpose binding agent, specifically formulated for soil & sand stabilization in the golf course construction industry.

Bunkertac - bunker stabilization

Golf Cart Path construction

Golf Cart Paths

Revolutionary cart path coating solution!

Nature's Path™

Nature’s Path™ offers Golf courses a new and unique way of blending with their natural surroundings.

Natures Path - Cart path construction for golf courses


Explore Our Recent Golf Course Construction Projects

See our Sustainable Golf Course Construction solutions & methods in action – Effective Hydro Seeding  with one application!   Journey to a perfect bunker – Bunkertac Application and Sand Flashing Methods guarantees results of effective erosion control, improved aesthetics, reduced contamination and protection of design integrity of the Golf Bunker.  Our Cart path construction methods allow the cart roads to blend in with their surroundings, and lessen the environmental footprint in terms of asphalt, paving bricks and cement.

Our Core Values

We enthusiastically embrace challenges and are constantly motivated to succeed and to provide our clients with the best possible On-Course Solutions.
We bring you the advantage of NEW technology to help you Achieve Better For Less!  On Course Solutions is part of the Soil Solutions International group of companies specializing in Soil Stablilization

View Our Introduction Video

Latest News

Read about On course solutions latest project news articles as well as general golfing news from around the plannet

Golf course architects say action is needed to reduce hitting distance

October 12th, 2020|

By Richard Humphreys via Ninety-five per cent of golf course architects who responded to a recent survey by the European Institute of Golf Course Architects (EIGCA) said action needs to be [...]

We are wherever you find Golf!

On-Course provides site assessments and on site training to your current construction and maintenance teams.

Contact us for your requirements or for information about becoming an authorized agent or applicator in your area.

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